2001 CTAS - Small Cities & Township Accounting System was available to Townships.   CTAS was a joint effort by the State Auditors office, the League of Minnesota Cities and the Minnesota Association of Townships.   

Budgets are essential to good financial management. 

Without a budget, the governing body can only make general estimates of expenditures and revenue required for the next year.  This can result in either levying more taxes than necessary or not providing enough revenue to carry out municipal functions.

It is the clerk’s duty to prepare the budget.

In order for the governing body to determine the amount of expenditures needed to carry out municipal activities in the next year, it is essential that these amounts be based on prior years’ spending.

Anticipated revenue for the coming year can be estimated on the basis of revenue received in the past and on projections by the Minnesota Department of Revenue. 

GREAT NEWS:  2023 Budget, first budget generated by utilizing the Small Cities & Township Accounting System "Budget Module".  The Budget module was set up and implemented by Steve Wheeler, Treasurer.